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File List | 1994-05-16 | 19.8 KB | 255 lines |
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- │ 33 - Personal System Utilities │
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- ACD.ZIP 265483 03-08-94 1993 SHARE-TAX/1040 2.0 <ASP> Full-
- | featured 1040 tax program for individual
- | and paid preparers. 1040, A, B, C, D,
- | E, EIC, F, R, SE, 2106, 2119, 2441,
- | 3903, 4137, 4562, 6251, 8606, 8615, 8829
- | plus worksheets. Printouts IRS-
- | approved. LaserJet, DeskJet, dot-matrix
- | graphic 1040. Enter data in any order,
- | anytime. Pulldown menus, mouse-aware,
- | on-line help & install program.
- ACE102.ZIP 137272 04-16-94 Annuity Ace 1.02 <ASP> Project your
- | savings! Professional illustrations for
- | deferred, immediate and split annuities
- | (Savings, IRA, 401K, etc.) Flexible
- | with variable deposits, withdrawals,
- | interest rates, and compound methods.
- | Tax analysis, COLA, Loads, Inflation
- | Factoring and more. Detail is monthly -
- | annual, calendar or fiscal, cumulative
- | or non-cumulative.
- ADDRES20.ZIP 68446 02-27-94 Address Book/Envelope Printer 2.0:
- | Prints a compressed/normal print person-
- | al telephone book. Prints addresses and
- | return address on envelopes. Has a sort
- | field that can be used for birthdays,
- | doctor, etc. Provides two additional
- | lines on the envelope for unusual
- | addresses. Case sensitive! Menu
- | interface.
- BBK20.ZIP 193145 03-23-94 OWL Basic Bookkeeping 2.0. Easy-to-use
- | bookkeeping system for small businesses
- | and individuals. NO ACCOUNTING EXPER-
- | IENCE IS NEEDED. Tracks income and
- | expenses using single entry bookkeeping
- | as recommended by the IRS. Produces
- | easy to understand income, expense,
- | profit and general ledger reports.
- | Supports fiscal or calendar year
- | accounting. Intuitive mouse-able menus.
- CANS15.ZIP 284346 03-19-94 CANS 1.5: Industrial strength PIM. A
- | tickler and rolodex with online help.
- | Features 'to do' list, automatically
- | rolls forward daily; maintains anni-
- | versaries. Search calendar by date or
- | keyword; critical date alerts.
- | Extensive rolodex file with multiple
- | groupings; WP51 mail merge, mailing
- | labels; rolodex cards, etc. Ideal for
- | Ins. agents, Salespeople, and more!
- CBPLUS55.ZIP 352037 03-12-94 CHECKBOOK PLUS 5.5 <ASP> Full-featured
- | cash management and budgeting system
- | that helps you master your financial
- | affairs. Handles multiple accounts,
- | account reconciliation, and memorized
- | transactions. Print checks, customized
- | income statement and cash flow reports,
- | & check register. Features pull-down
- | menus, on-line help, mouse support,
- | pop-up calendar, calculators, and more.
- CHF106.ZIP 139867 04-15-94 Loan Chief 1.06 <ASP> Loan calculating
- | has never been this easy! Professional
- | schedules with a multitude of options:
- | Weekly - Annual, variable rates, loan
- | acceleration, tax analysis, variable
- | payments, cumulative/non-cumulative,
- | variable compound methods and much more!
- | Produces LOAN CHARTS, a new and novel
- | concept in loan processing. Save and
- | retrieve info. Solve for values.
- DAY54.ZIP 379551 03-11-94 Daily Calendar 5.4: Appointment
- | calendar, name/address database, phone
- | dialer, to-do-lists. Allows extensive
- | notes to be associated with entries.
- | Prints labels, extensive printer
- | support.
- DBT124.ZIP 119332 04-16-94 The Debt Analyzer 1.24. <ASP> Package
- | designed to help reduce and eliminate
- | debt and save you hundreds of dollars in
- | the process. Debt reduction is
- | illustrated through a debt elimination
- | schedule or through loan consolidation.
- | Up to 20 debts can be processed at one
- | time. Use minimum payments, current
- | payments or accelerated payments with
- | elimination. Debts can be prioritized.
- DIALM71.ZIP 232862 02-15-94 Phone dialer with call timing &
- | logging.
- DMGR104A.ZIP 67048 03-16-94 Debt Manager(tm) 104a - DOS with Color
- | Monitor. Rapidly reduce your credit
- | card debt and save thousands in unpaid
- | interest penalties. Enter name, APR,
- | balance and minimum payment for up to 30
- | creditors & Debt Manager does the rest.
- | A monthly payment schedule forecasts
- | when each debt will be paid off & shows
- | you how much to pay each creditor. Now
- | you can take advantage of trade secrets.
- FINWIZ.ZIP 127527 03-14-94 FINANCIAL WIZARD (TM) 5.5 <ASP> A very
- | powerful, easy to use investment and
- | loan analysis program that calculates
- | dozens of personal & business financial
- | situations with ease. Amortization,
- | future and present values, depreciation,
- | & date calculations are just a fraction
- | of the options the program can cal-
- | culate. Full mouse and color support
- | along with exceptional documentation.
- FPLAN40.ZIP 684024 02-06-94 Personal Financial Planner 4.0: Menu-
- | driven program with full mouse support
- | to develop and plan for all your
- | important financial goals. Available
- | tutorial check list, on-screen help, and
- | detailed Data Guides assist you. Option
- | of US or International type planning
- | details.
- INT234.ZIP 150732 04-15-94 The Interest Analyzer 2.34. Produces
- | professional schedules and illustrations
- | for savings, annuities, loans, mortgages
- | & depreciation. Flexible with variable
- | deposits, withdrawals, payments, inter-
- | est rates, & compound methods. Tax
- | analysis, COLA, loan acceleration. Save
- | & restore multiple clients. Side by
- | Side comparisons. Illustration detail
- | is monthly - annual, calendar or fiscal.
- IN_TCH21.ZIP 86512 02-04-94 In-Touch 2.1 The Ultimate Rolodex!
- | In-Touch will help you keep in touch
- | with people. In-Touch has a host of
- | powerful features, such as: Keeps up to
- | 10,000 people on file. Has a 1,000
- | line comment card for each person.
- | Create user defined sub-listings of
- | people of file. Print mailing labels &
- | address envelopes. By RAD Software.
- LBB600.ZIP 103373 02-20-94 LITTLE BLACK BOOK 6.00: Personal
- | Address book. Will dial for you with a
- | modem. Unlimited number of records.
- | Prints personal address book. Auto
- | redial on busy. Call logging. Import/
- | Export database. Context Sensitive
- | help. COM 1-4 supported. Multiple
- | Index Categories.
- MD210.ZIP 130172 02-17-94 This version of Mortgage Designer
- | provides many features to make it easier
- | to use and more powerful than any
- | mortgage program you may have used in
- | the past. Version 2.0 adds several new
- | features over 1.4 (see the Whatsnew.DOC
- | file for a complete listing of new
- | features).
- MRT200.ZIP 219955 04-15-94 The Mortgage Analyzer 2.00. <ASP>
- | Amortization schedules, refinancing,
- | loan qualification, refinancing, mort-
- | gage acceleration, side by side mortgage
- | comparisons, Buy vs. Rent, Lease vs.
- | Sell, & mortgage related calculators.
- | Tax Analysis, Daily Interest, Points,
- | etc. Save and retrieve multiple clients.
- | Fixed, Stepped, ARM. Calculates Mortgage
- | Insurance, FHA MIP, VA Funding Fees.
- MT250.ZIP 88115 02-18-94 My Time 2.50: Personal Information
- | Manager. Major Features Include: A
- | Calendar Section That Schedules And
- | Tracks Important Events, A Dialer Module
- | That Organizes Phone Numbers And People
- | Lists, And A Lister Module Used to
- | Accumulate Historical Data. MT Takes A
- | Non-TSR Approach to Preserve Memory.
- M_B140.ZIP 355952 03-26-94 Money & Banks 1.4 - RCCO Research
- | Personal Banking Manager with unusually
- | attractive DOS interface. Personal,
- | professional or business banking.
- | On-line docs, context help; pop-up
- | calculator, calendar, appointments
- | scheduler; printing on regular checks;
- | reports & labels; credit cards,
- | securities. Mouse, EMS support.
- | REVIEWERS: "5-stars"
- NAS110SW.ZIP 92241 02-02-94 Network Appointment Scheduler 1.10: A
- | small business or personal appointment
- | scheduling program. Print schedule,
- | pop-up calculator and much more. Copy,
- | Cut, and Paste options. NetBios Network
- | Capable.
- ODAY401.ZIP 334869 03-19-94 OMNIDay 4.01: <ASP> Computer diary
- | program with many features and toggles.
- | Has over 10000 encryption options &
- | keys. Can handle up to 10 users at once
- | and has a full featured text editor.
- | Internally calls up Spell checkers. Can
- | use other TSR Spell Checking. All world
- | date formats handled.
- PERBIO44.ZIP 152150 02-16-94 PERSONAL BIORHYTHM 4.4. Easy-to-use
- | biorhythm charting program. Produces
- | professional-looking cycle charts to
- | screen or practically any printer.
- | Plots your (P)hysical, (E)motional and
- | (I)ntellectual highs and lows. Prints
- | cover sheets, daily forecasts and daily
- | 2-person comparisons. Database to store
- | most frequently-used names & birth
- | dates. Requires 512K, DOS 3.0+.
- PINKY3.ZIP 33799 02-04-94 PINKY 3.0. Telephone message system.
- | Good for receptionists and secretaries.
- | Keeps track of incoming phone messages
- | including status of calls, who called,
- | when they called. Registered version
- | prints out nice looking messages. By
- | Contact Plus Corp.
- RG100SW.ZIP 84705 02-11-94 Contact Manager Report Generator: This
- | program allows Contact Manager users to
- | customize reports. Using data stored in
- | the Contact Manager data files the user
- | can create reports specific to their
- | own needs and requirements.
- RMD40.ZIP 225384 02-15-94 RESUME MASTER DELUXE 4.0: Powerful,
- | Easy-To-Use Resume Creator. Creates Two
- | Different Types Of Resumes. Professional
- | Output.
- SRP235.ZIP 97564 02-07-94 Steve's Resume' Program 2.35. Keeps a
- | database of your resume' data which you
- | can update and print at will; option to
- | print resume to a file or printer with
- | many print options; function key
- | interface.
- VARIN58I.ZIP 150117 02-25-94 The Variable Investment Analyst 5.8i:
- | Investment Portfolio Management.
- | Calculates profit, total return,
- | internal rate of return, capital gain.
- | Especially useful for investments with
- | multiple cash flows, such as mutual
- | funds, 401k plans, annuities, and
- | partnerships, but also works well with
- | stocks, bonds, CD's, etc. Pull-down
- | menus, dialog boxes, mouse support.
- VCP10.ZIP 325462 03-09-94 Visual Calendar Planner 1.0: Easiest
- | calendar planner program to use,
- | virtually negligible learning curve. If
- | you know how to use a text editor/word
- | processor, you already know how to use
- | Visual Calendar Planner. It allows you
- | to customize the way you want, provides
- | scheduling/events/memo and appointments
- | painlessly, yet not restricted to the
- | scheduling found in most PIM/planner.
- WDX10.ZIP 98754 02-13-94 WilloDex 1.0: Address manager that
- | searches records by first/last/company
- | name or keyword and can assign up to 6
- | keywords per record for categorizing/
- | searching.